
April 24 - May 7, 2023

In the past two weeks, we've been making improvements to our APIs and myV while also improving performance for the provisioning process.

System fixes and enhancements released between 4/24 and 5/7

  • API related enhancements

    • Enhanced the api/v2/bare-metal-devices/ endpoint to handle special characters better by un-encoding customer provided CloudInit scripts before being passed to the device being provisioned.
    • Updated the payment period display to more accurately show that an hourly billing has been selected when switching from Monthly to Hourly in the store.
    • Enhanced the bonding/unbonding API to allow for bonding and unbonding servers without having to remove the subnet(s) and VLAN(s).

  • MyV enhancements

    • Enhanced the email delivery system to be able to still send important email updates like One Time Password and One Time Authorization Code emails even if a customer is unsubscribed from emails.
    • Enhanced the One Time Password process to allow support to assist customers that are having issues with receiving the emails.
    • Implemented cache busting into the deployment process so that it is ensured that myV users will not need to clear cache after updates to myV are made.
    • Enhanced the reload functionality in myV so that there are no errors when trying to reload a custom device and select an OS.

  • Provisioning enhancements

    • Enhanced the provisioning process to automatically open a Zendesk ticket if provisioning fails to help expedite issue resolution.
    • Improved deployment speeds at remote locations by caching ISO files.